Monday, October 31, 2016


31st October 2016

Day 31: The last poem of the October challenge . Wow !!! I got there . Will probably have a short break from posting on my blog for a while now.


To wake up with the dawn
On a morning in June
And hear nothing but birdsong
To undo the zip of the tent
Step out onto dewy grass
And feel the quiet of the wind
To look around the field
And see nothing but trees
And hills and sky
To sit and meditate and connect
With the present moment
Is to find the eternal


31st October 2016

Day 30:


Not having too much stuff 
Or too many wants turning
Into needs  to weigh you down,
Living a life of simplicity, 
Will bring peace and happiness

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Red, Abandonment, Favourite Scent, Sea Shells, Upside Down

30th October 2016

Day 25: Enjoyed writing these words : 5 days for the price of one - nearly there with the challenge - only two more to do


Evening comes sooner with clocks brought forward,
Bringing us home early - leaving the book signing
Carrying our treasure with authors scrawl inside cover.
Curtains close on autumnal sky , fiery red in the dusk,
Passionate with warm promises to look forward to .
But as we huddle together and step into a new adventure
Tomorrow dwells  as a hangman's  noose - waiting .
Not for us the joy of waking to a happy day,
Not for us the red sky's delight,
Not for us.
But for this short time we can be somewhere else
Push those pictures to another room in the mind
Forget for a while the scary memories as we make others.

Day 26:


The abandonment of her rich life brought some difficulties,
She didn't find it easy to stick to a budget,
Coffees out with friends were a thing of the past
Some days she dreamt of going home  to her parents
Like the prodigal son who thought better of his life.
But she had little Harry - he needed his dad
And she loved them both .
Maybe one day they would all be accepted.

Day 27:

Favourite Scent

She had been buried for over a year
I had hardly given her a thought for weeks
But that morning while hoovering her room,
Now used by the twins,
She came for a while in pictures of times past
I sat in the chair and closed my eyes
We were in her kitchen - making pastry,
Then in the garden collecting flowers
And off to the cinema to enjoy a film together
I open my eyes and the air is full of a sweet aroma,
Blue Grass by Elizabeth Arden was always her favourite scent


Sea Shells

Pebbles stretch to left and right as far as you can see
Waves roll in with their lunar rhythm
You walk at the edge - a tightrope of of precision
Looking down - must not touch the water
Keeping sharp just on the knife, controlling,
You see-
Sea shells...
Sea shells clumped together in a pile on the pebbles
First you stop,
Then you look,
Then you sit
And cry

Day 29:

Upside Down

You thought you had everything under control,
All seemed well in your world
And you celebrated your birthday
With friends and cake and presents galore.
You didn't know it then but
That was the day
Your life was turned upside down

Saturday, October 29, 2016


29th October 2016

Day 24 


The clocks go back tonight
You get an extra hour in bed
More time for fantastical dreams
To swim around your head

But if you've a baby in your house
The hour won't be for you
The little one will wake at the time
His body clock tells him to.


29th October 2016

Day 23... will I make it to the end of the challenge?? I don't know the answer to that , but today I went for my third park run so I'll just write a few words about that in a double acrostic


Until my daughter came to visit - you know the one, she's
Not afraid to get off the sofa and run or cycle or swim , she is
Dead keen on exercise and is an inspiration to me - it had been
Over a week since I ran- too tired, lazy, achy and every other excuse.
Undoubtedly, I would not have gone out for a practice run without
Being encouraged by her and her brother, who said,
"Think positive ma, you can do it ."
Eager to prove to myself that I am a strong woman I went and
Did just under three miles - that was wednesday evening and wow, what a
Lovely feeling of achievement and it was then I decided that
Yes, I would do the 5k park run on Saturday

Up before the dawn, ready by eight , with new running gear and good trainers,
Now was my time - taking in view out to sea - a mist settled over the calm , two
Daughters egg me on as other runners are in fancy dress for halloween .
On to the start line - so many here today - getting a bit fearful now - maybe it was
Unwise to think that I could ever be good enough to
Be a runner, who was I kidding....
Then we begin - yes, I'll get round and someone has to come last - but,
Even after just a little way, I have to walk and I'm gasping for breath, but with
Determination I run a bit and walk a bit and push myself round, until I run the
Last few meters, collect my chip and almost collapse in a heap on the grass.
Yes, I'd done it, and what's more got a PB - can't be bad...

Friday, October 28, 2016


28th October 2016

Day 22 - OK , yes, I know I'm now way behind. But I have been so busy with family that It's been virtually impossible to get to any writing. Given that I'll probably not finish the challenge by the end of the month, I wonder whether to go on or not.


Who knew it could be dangerous swinging on a swing in the park
By the river, next to the restaurant with pigs and ducks in the grounds.
The ducks who shared their home with rats who scurried freely eating the ducks grain
Dirty water didn't  seem to worry the ducks as they  drank and swam in it.
The pigs - black, smelly, snorting, snuffling.
But , I digress, OK the swing and how it was dangerous.
After our lunch and a walk along by the river, 
Seven excited grandchildren spotting  the park through the trees ran with renewed energy
Terrorizing the few children already their with their parents.
They egged each other on - who could slide the fastest, climb the highest, swing the highest...
Pushing each other they pushed their limits
A tall grandson pushed a grandaughter- the same age as himself- till she squealed with pleasure
And then, the final push - too hard - up she went and with a jolt 
Was thrown from her seat , unable to hold on - she flew up and landed six feet from the swing
Flat on her back , flat on her back!!
Unable to breathe for too long for us to be comfortable - not able to speak
Fear tells stories, invents problems - is her neck broken or her back...
Do we need an ambulance??? 
She calms down and her auntie, a doctor checks her spine and declares all is well.
She was left with some bruises - it could have been worse.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Nature's Calling

22nd October 2016

Nearly caught up now - Day 21 in the challenge.  Another acrostic:

Nature's Calling

Now is the time to think of the planet
Alter the way we use the goods of the earth
Take more care of the little things
Using up the leftovers, not throwing it away
Really making sure not to but too much
Even being a little frugal for the sake of the planet
Saving some money into the bargain for use on
Caring for people. There are
All sorts of ways that could make a difference
Leaving the car at home for instance and using those
Legs will make us all healthier and save on fuel
It's a small but effective change to make and say
Nature's calling us to help take more care- change toxic chemicals for eco friendly
Get more attentive - turn of the lights and use less water.

White Rose

           Day 20

           White Rose

One rose , left all alone in the late October cold
One rose, a white bud breaking open in the autumn sun
One rose, in the corner of the garden
The only remembrance of summer's happy colours
There , reminding us of a life lost  - six years ago
A pure delicate rose -  in Heaven now


Day 19 - Trees

When you can't see the wood for the trees,
And all about you is dark,
And the boughs weigh heavy
With despair, pulling you deep
Deep down, slowing your every move
Your legs as if in quick sand , ache
Ache , with the effort of having to

Stop, breathe, Know
Know that nothing is that bad,
You will get through , feel light again.
The mayhem will go on whether
You fret or not,
So why fret
Feel the eternity in the present moment ,
Find inside the space, the air,
Rest, untangle tight muscles,
Stay still, silent for a while,
Drink in the cosmos
Be light in the darkness
Glide on  wings of peace

Monday, October 17, 2016


                                                                    18th October 2016


As more senseless killings are reported 
From around the world 
As our old people are hidden away to sit 
Staring out of a window 
Alone, abandoned and feeling useless , 
Just biding time - or worse, 
Costing too much for us to care,
We may wonder if life has become devalued  and today
We are only acceptable 
If we can look after ourselves and 
Not bother anybody else.


17th October 2016

Managed to get out for a run this morning even though my body was trying to rebel. Did a 34 minute run  - out in the dark .
Me : "just to the next lamp post.... walk now... start again... to the bin... and the next one... and again... you can do it.... walk now... gasp gasp ... gasp.... shall I run a bit more ... yes, just to the end of the road, ok not that far .... etc etc etc xxx " And it was lovely running/walking /gasping. /sweating/ by the sea...
But I went out and did it...x
 — feeling proud.

An acrostic:


So hard to get out of bed, maybe I'll leave it till tomorrow, the sun's not even up.
Ah... come on , you can do it.. You'll be back before you know it.. and what a
Vast improvement you'll make if you keep it up... yes come on, out you get
Or, do you always want to come in last, in everything... no - well then, 
Run - for thirty minutes - it's not much , and so good for you,, the heart rate increased 
You'll be fit and healthy , have more energy ... OK, I'm off, ...

Sunday, October 16, 2016

In- depth

                                                                                                 16th October 2016

I can't believe it's day 16 already. Abundant blessings on all you lovely readers who are sticking with my words. 


You can't have an in-depth conversation when running,
In fact it's difficult to have any conversation at all
Well, it is for me - looking around on my 5k run , it seems it's not
Beyond others.
Others, can manage it - conversing, I mean, not sure it's in-depth, but
It's still one hundred percent better than me , I can't utter any sounds
That are not a gasp.
Gasping, because I can't breathe deeply,
Gasping, because I'm searching for air for my constricted lungs,
Gasping, because, apparently, I need to pace myself,
Not go too fast,
Gasping , because, actually, even when I go very slow
I still cannot breath.
One day, they say, I'll be able to run the 5k and not gasp
One day, they say, I'll be able to run the 5k and talk at the same time,
On that day,
Then, maybe, I'll be able to have an
In-depth conversation while running.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


                                                                                15th October

Well it's the 15th day of the poetry challenge and almost half way there. I've been trying to figure a way to post poems while I'm away for a few days without my computer or access to one.
I might have to post three on Thursday all together. I hope that counts for the poem a day thing. If not , It can't be helped - more to do with technology difficulties than unwillingness to get creative .
Anyway for today then, the prompt being "Blue"


Some warming up, some bending and chatting - most standing , waiting, going blue with the cold.
Young, not so young, men, women , girls, boys, all shapes and sizes all gathered to do the 5K park run.
One youngish woman - well younger than me by quite a bit - befriended this older specimen
And as we ran, following the 35 minute pacer , we talked a bit, for a bit, until , and I knew it would come,
I couldn't breathe.
So, on we go together, even though she is faster than me- she kindly keeps me company.
In a way, running is like writing - a solitary activity - out in the evenings counting the lamp posts
In your own world.
Writing, the same, at your desk, dreaming and pondering what comes next,
In your own world,
Then get together with others to practice - either writing or running - but still it's down to just you
You share the experience but you can't share the doing of it and you're
In you're own world.
My new friend crossed the line after me so I would not be last -  friend for life now
My time - 42.01 minutes - her PB -  36.00- Thanks friend

Friday, October 14, 2016


                                                                                 14th Oct 2016

The story of our walk today in a double acrostic.


   Stroll along bank of river on soft grasS
Hear birds sing in low branches and in the distance, fading, cars. Take PatH
Across orchard  - apples red, hanging heavy, ready , waiting -ah hA.
March freely on footpath- well worn- fallow fields on either side - and dreaM,
End at style - markers giving two choices , which one to takE
Follow  route that leads to historic church in village, through narrow lanes oF
Udulating clod , weaving your way until you spy the bridge over the river and yoU
Lean over and watch  fish trying to swim upstream, and there be stilL 

Thursday, October 13, 2016


                                                                                     13th Oct 2016

It's cold . I a few minutes when I finish this poem for today, the 13th day of the challenge, I will head out for a run. I'll only do half an hour or so and mostly I'll be walking, but heh, at least I'll be doing it, right?  Not feeling like it at all.
The day before yesterday my husband and I did another long walk along the coast. You remember - we are planning to walk the Way of St James to Santiago de Compostella , more than 500 miles, so we need to get some practice in.
Anyway because I walked with hubby I haven't done a run yet this week . Today will be the first and then I plan to do the park run again on Saturday.
If you're a runner or if you've walked the Camino Way, I'd love to hear your story.


Life, His essence , 
Wells up in abundance
Flowing through your soul like a river 
With harmony warming you. 
Let go, rest and be blessed ,
Flourish and thrive - Create-   in the 
Present moment , with His spirit,.
Feel the buzz,
Your energy source,
Let it permeate your soft inner self. 
Keep your special time with 
Your God

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


                                                                                    12th Oct 2016


                      Strategies, diet, energy drinks and excercise
                      To build strong  muscles
                      Rules, discipline, mental gymnasium to strenghten the brain
                          Or another way to focus the mind, but
                          Not forgetting all the others
                          Giving time to sit in silence - the nourishment and strenght for the soul

So stay strong and Take from life the good things and the bad . Row against the current On towards your goal, Never Giving up on your dreams.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


                                                                                            11th Oct 2016

Again, thank you to everyone who is reading and commenting on my poems for the challenge. It's now day 11 and I don't feel my muse anywhere near. So I am just writing ...
I am a little disappointed as I was unsuccessful getting a place in the London Marathon. I will, hopefully continue with the training and try again next year.
Also, I can concentrate on preparing for Our Camino Pilgrimage . More about that later...


Didn't go for  run today.
Energy levels low - hadn't slept - could have curled up on sofa 
And gone off, but instead, at request of other half
Went for walk,
A brisk walk along the cliff, with sea air refreshing brain cells.
They don't say it's healthy living by the coast for nothing.
After an hour time to go home,
But me, I'm lively now and could continue for another hour.
Maybe I'll run tomorrow.

Monday, October 10, 2016


                                                                                      10th Oct 2016

It is the 10th day of the Octpowrimo challenge and so far, so good. Whether or not I make it to the end of the month is yet to be seen. 
A bit of a fun acrostic:


                                            Arrive at hotel, throw sUitcases on bed
 Kick off shoes aNd breathe deeply 
                        Take time to unFold the neat memos in your mind
                    And later as you unfOld your clothes and put them away
Take delight and  pLeasure in the peace
      That starts to Deepen in your soul
                These momEents are yours to own
                                             Be still as the now unfolDs  within. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Cows

                                                                                            9th Oct 2016

Yesterday I completed my first 5k park run in the morning and realised that if I get into the London Marathon, which I will hear on 18th, I have a long way to go before I am going to be fit to take part. But I will jolly well have a good try and if necessary walk it. I would , however, like to get a medal for taking part and to do that I have to complete it by six in the evening, which is about eight hours.

We also heard the very good news last night that we have a new grandson, which, as you can imagine is wonderful. I will , at some point, change my blog bio again to include this latest information.

And today we went for a walk through fields with another grandchild who has a birthday this weekend.

The Cows

Some with walking shoes, others with wellies,
Coats and scarves to keep form the cold
Children ,parents and old folk too 
Off on an adventure 
To see the cows.

Down narrow roads and muddy country lanes,
To footpaths overgrown with briars,
Children , parents and old folk too,
Trudge through  fields
And find the cows.

"Warning, bull in the field" said the sign by the style ,
But nowhere to be seen , the bull, so
Children, parents and old folk too,
All climb over to the field,
With the cows.

Keeping eyes wide open and walking close together,
Chatting to stop spiraling thoughts of the bull  
Children , parents and old folk too  
Reach the other side leaving
Behind the cows 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

What Noise

                                                8th Oct 2016

Thank you to all my loyal readers. Today the visits to my blog exceeded 22000. That is just amazing . Also, I'm so grateful for all the comments, so encouraging to read what people think of my random words. 
Well I did the park run this morning . Five kilometers of gasping for breath as I ran for ten seconds and walked for ten minutes, but, I wasn't last and now feel energised. I recommend  it to everyone.  
So, the following poem came about after I had to get up this morning at five thirty - I have to tell you, that is in the dark - so that I could take my husband to the station. And the rain just came down like a tsunami had disturbed the heavens . 

What is That Noise

What's that noise?
In the dark the flask is filled 
With tea there's no time to drink
What is that noise?
Soda bread buttered and 
wrapped for later, there's no time to eat 
That noise...
Hurry, pack your rucksack 
You have a train to catch
Out the door
Ahh, the noise
It's a downpour
Run to the car
It's not that far
But soaked we are

Friday, October 7, 2016


                                                                                 7th Oct 2016

My thoughts seem to revolve around food at the moment. Is it the prompts from #octpowrimo2016  do you think or am I thinking too much of my stomach now that the cold weather is upon us.
I ran this morning, not far, just over a mile in fact, wanting to get fit for my first park run this weekend. It's a 5k run, which will probably take me around 50 mins to complete - at least that's what I'm hoping. I'll let you know .

Anyway to continue with my poem for today:

I've tried an acrostic around based around the word tasty.


         When There is no butter
Crush some garlic And blend with olive oil.
                  Use thiS on bread or with salad
                      It's so Tasty that you will wonder
                              Why You have't discovered it before

Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Tantalising Aroma

                                                                                      6th October 2016

We have started a monthly lunch club in our parish . A hard working team giving time to help the community grow. We had a great day on our trial shift - although exhausting , it was also hugely satisfying. As my brain is in a bit of a spin now I found that all I felt I could write about was that.

A Tantalising Aroma

Ooo, that's a tantalising aroma...
A cheery, red face peered around the door.
He was early -  we were late
We had arrived at nine and
Scrubbed and
Rubbed and
Disinfected every corner of the kitchen
Had to be done. That was before
Any food preparation
So, we were late, not very, but still...
Door of oven slammed shut at 11.40 am
Chicken pies on target for 12.30.
He came at 11.50, expecting a meal at
12.00 midday .
We looked after him, gave him coffee,
Then others came to join him.
The work went on.
Dicing carrots, shredding cabbage , boiling potatoes..
And for the dessert - sponge to make
To cover the apples that came
All sixteen diners eating by 12.40
Enough food to feed forty -
The amount there'll be next week
Words of appreciation and much
Chatting together -
Our practice run went well...
We learnt a lot....
Made a list for the replay
Yes, , with mind and hall cleared
 I sat back and appreciated
That comment
And agreed
Not just a tantalising aroma but
A delicious repast to boot.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sharp Words

                                                                                                                                                                    5th Oct 2016

I'm going to be extremely busy today but wanted to get some words down.
Catch up later

Sharp Words.

Stopping to talk makes me late
Pick up your step, hurry along,
Good that I've worn my running trainers.
Can I make it in tow minutes
Would hate to slink in after the start.
Puffing, panting I'm here.
A seat by the window, more light coming in,
Not to near to the leader.
I'm not the last by far today,
Three more wander in and unperturbed
Take their places.
Creative writers gathered together
I feel a fraud .
The comments today seem sharp,
Sharp and unfair
Silencing inspiration.
When it's over , I amble off on my way
With subject for homework ringing round
Foggy corners of my mind,
Turning it maybe into possibilities
For  new words next week


                                                                                                                                                                                           4th Oct 2016
So, it's day 4 and I have written some words. Found it hard to write anything but pondered on a meeting with a friend yesterday . Thinking about the prompt, purple, I was struck by her ring

One ring with ruby set in gold -  from Afganistan she said,
Worn on her finger, since her engagement
More than forty years before.

Her brother, mining in Kabul province - all those years ago,
Found the gem and had it taken  to 
A jeweller to cut and shine.

This stone, once precious for it's  beauty and value
Now is loved for a truer motive 
The years having set in the stone the permanence
of their bond.

This small purple gem containing love and hope 
In deep colour
Burying flecks of division within
Holding the promise of eternity

Image result for pictures of ruby rings

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Before the Sun

3rd October
And now we come to the third day. Did you find some of the other poets that I told you about? If not, go look...
I would like to go running this morning but I'm nursing a blister so I need to be patient.

Before the Sun

You are up before dawn, ready to take on the world,
Stretching those muscles and toes that were curled
In sleep
Not sure how you plan to make use of the day
You sparkle and shine giving to all your ray
To keep
To wake with such energy surprises and thrills you
Bring on the light you say there's jobs to do
Let's get going.
The sun is deciding to pop up , look there
The darkness is sent and a a glimmer appears.
Let's start sowing

The Void

   2nd Nov

Am praying for mum and dad today , the Feast of All Souls.  I've put this on the post "The Void" as I felt it was a different way of looking at the same theme

One day we will meet again and one another understand,
With all the pain and suffering gone, reach for each other's hand.
Our joy will be that then we'll know why we acted the way we did,
Our knowing will be complete - nothing at all will be hid.

The love we had between us so hard to show sometimes ,
Will be evident -   no need for shady rhymes.
We'll spend our time getting to know the people we are, really,
Our deepest hopes and longings will be there for us to see.

I wait for that day when we with a happy heart,
And it won't matter how long we've been apart,
For you will be waiting on the other side for me
And when I get there, there you will be

 2nd October 2016

Image result for pictures steep hard paths

OK, so it's the second day of the challenge and I already feel that the way is too hard. But, the easy road isn't always the most beneficial. If you want to see the poems of all the other participants in the poem a day for October challenge go to .

The Void

Look at you taking the broad path, soft grass underfoot,
Lightness in your step,
Warmed by your friend from her place in the Heavens,
Accompanied by many along this pleasant way
Breathing ,with you, the fresh ,wholesome air.
But in your soul, a void,
A void of hopelessness and misery,
A void of emptiness and wasted dreams
Crushed, buried.
Turn and see the other path, the one less trodden, narrow, steep.
Stones falter your step, the wind, the rain, slow your progress.
Weakness pulls on your strong shoulders.
Yet, on this path, in your soul,
Light, fullness of joy, a joy that bursts forth ,
And you smile,
You smile.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Walk in Time

                                                                                                                                                                     1st October 2016
A few words for the Octpowrimo challenge:

It's the first of October and this morning
 I wentfor an early walk.
 I was hoping to start at 6.30,
 but it was dark and wet and I wasn't ready. 
At seven fifteen
 I left the house, but after five minutes it was clear that 
the trainers I'd chosen to wear 
were going to be a problem 
for the blister on my left heal - an injury that has more to do
 with fashion and pride than walking ,
 as it came about because I was trying to impress,
 knowing that I look my best in heels. 
After changing my trainers,
 I was back out the door in five minutes. 
Giving myself an hour,
 I was able to relax into a comfortable  rhythm and take in 
the freshness of the morning, 
walking sometimes along the coastal path and 
sometimes in the more built up roads nearer to my house.
The quiet only interupted  by the 
soft waves creeping in and out.

Image result for coastal paths pictures kent

And thoughts came in...
The years we have 
 so few to 
live the dreams
 that we share together. 
How to fit them in
while legs are still working,
the mind still sharp - ish.
Time running out,
running short.
We must continue
till the end.