Saturday, October 19, 2019

Day 19- Living Water

19th Oct 2019 

Happy Saturday everyone.
I have dragged myself to Day 19 of OctPoWriMo 2019. I have amazed myself. But, I musn't get complacent.

Not going with the prompt today

Instead, I will share a poem I wrote yesterday to take to Poetry Tea Time at my daughter's.
 I said the name should be changed to Poetry Lunch Time as that's when they normally have this special happening.

On Thursday I was playing with words with the children, who range in age from 2 - 15. We were making up stories together and a little bit of poetry.
I'd left them with a prompt to work on - Water - saying that I'd be looking forward to their creations.
Then yesterday my daughter asked if we'd ( my husband and I) would like to join them for Poetry Tea Time.
We usually read other people's poems, you, know famous people.
 I said it would be lovely to hear the children's efforts with the prompt I'd given them as well.
Then, of course, I couldn't opt out. I had to have my own Water poem to read. So I sat and wrote this just before we went.

Exploring poetry in all its forms.

Living Water

It was about midday
dusty, hot,
 earth scorched underfoot.
I came to the well. 

The other women, I avoid them, 
had long gone.
He was there, sitting beside it.
He asked me for a drink.

What was this?
Me, a Samaritan woman,
Him, a Jew.
I looked up, warily, 

His eyes searched mine,
I felt His gaze reach
way down inside me.
He talked about giving me,

Living water
How, I thought
Where is your bucket?
But He went on, He said

with the water He gave
I would never thirst again.
What did He mean? 
I wanted that water.

His voice, spoke softly about,
A spring of living water
Welling up to 
Eternal Life.

Who was this man?
He knew all about me, for sure,
My whole life, everything.
I went to tell the whole village

That I'd found 
The Messiah


Please feel free to comment with advice and critique.