Thursday, October 17, 2019

Day 17 - Family

17th Oct 2019


Thanks to the people of the Netherlands. In the last twelve hours 99 of you have visited my blog. I don't know why this is, but I'm happy that you are reading my work. I would love to hear from you, so please write a comment and start a conversation.

Day 17 of this increasingly difficult challenge.  OctPoWriMo 2019.

I have , in the main,  been sticking to the prompts to see where they lead me. The prompt for today sent me into quite a kaleidoscope of thought as I pondered the whole idea of family and what it means to me.
I eventually came to the conclusion that it means everything to me. In no way have I done justice to this idea in the poem I've written . How could I?

The photo is of my husband and I and our nine children at my daughter's wedding, one of the only times we get everybody together these days.  However, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to family. This is only 11 of the 47 who make up this small part of the family. And if from there we spread the net... well...

Exploring poetry in all its forms.


On the table, spread out before me
Taking up most of the space
Two large pieces of paper

On one the family tree on my mother's side
On the other , my father's
Both tracing the branches back,
with their different characters, to my 
Great, great grandparents
Hinting of Roots that go deep

Both papers from my parents down
.There in the middle, I am
Above me,certainty of the past 
Below, promise of  future surprises
Great, great grandchildren - mine
there at the bottom.

All of us, on both sheets
Children of God
We belong to the 
Family of God
The human family.


Please feel free to comment with advice and critique.