Monday, March 9, 2020


9th March 2020

Just a few words today.
We should be in The Holy Land, but Bethlehem is on 30 day lock down because of the corona virus.
We went out on Thursday and were in the air when the lock down was put into effect. Our pilgrimage agents took the decision , for our safety , to fly us home the next day. We spent a night in Tel Aviv , had a couple of hours whizzing around Jerusalem where we were blessed to be able to go to the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, before rushing back to the airport. 
We intend to go back.


She will not be known

 by that name anymore,
They gave her that name.
She was five.
Her parents dead.
She was taken to 
the convent in Eniscothy.
They never  broke her will, 
she sweated 
in the the laundry,
every day,
they gave her
weak broth for food,
 she was allowed,
 no conversation, 
or any time for 
childlike activities
Deep inside s
he clung to hope
of new beginnings,
a better life.
The secret silence,
loud as thunder.
the silence,
that separated,
the silence,
a tight chain,
around her soul.
Marie, will shatter 
that silence.
This thought,
before she speaks,
before her family 
this thought itself, 
releases the tension,
the fetters fall, 
her lungs fill,
air, freedom, promise.
After supper, 
husband, children,
who's turn  the 
washing up?
She calls them,
sits them down,
spills it out,
tears fall, 
bathe the hurt .
For long moments,
no one speaks, 
then they hug her,
say, everything's ok,
we're here.
She says,
my name is Marie.
They nod


  1. So sorry your trip did not work out, i do hope you get to go back.

    Such a poignant and moving poem!


Please feel free to comment with advice and critique.