Sunday, April 11, 2021

You and Me

 12th April

Day 12 of NaPoWriMo

Taking a prompt from a few days ago to write a letter to yourself and answer it.

In Haiku form

You and Me

Much disturbs the mind

fills it with fear, discontent,

the future is dark

Look beyond yourself,

give yourself to those in need,

clam your soul with love


  1. Gratitude and giving are wonderful ways to deal with anxious thoughts.

  2. These are wise words indeed. I like best the middle line of the second Senryū, "give yourself to those in need".

  3. Interesting use of the prompt with the Haiku! I like it. Nicely done.

  4. Nicely written. Not sure if my last comment went through.


Please feel free to comment with advice and critique.