I am up to the 15th October and the prompt is :
Fighting The Urge to Vomit
How come the fragrance of soap,
before, so welcome after the more human bodily,
undesirable stench of patients on the surgical ward
now causes nausea
way down in the pit of my empty stomach
rising up to try and escape over the beds
I try to make, at least completing one before
going to the bathroom to be sick
this is how I knew
I cook dinner with peg on my nose
onions are the worst, seeming to penetrate
every obstacle to keep them at bay
unstoppable churning brings me again
to my knees
I decide salad in future, but still
every delicate smell adds to the urge
who is smoking in the road outside
and will they please
Well that was a reflection of being in early pregnancy. In one of those times I couldn't eat anything but fruit and uncooked veg and lost lots of weight whilst pregnant, being a stone and a lighter at the end than at the beginning.
And on to the prompt for the 16th Oct:
Losing Your Fears and Tears
My God gives me rainbows
a flood of thankful wells up
from the deep,
a river that bursts its banks
and overflows with joy.
At the beginning
a rainbow
At the end
A rainbow
There you are
And the 17th:
And The Dragon Chose
In the caves way up in the mountain
lived the Thunder of dragons called Grafeond .
They ruled the land from East to West
And were feared by all creatures around.
they commanded a fearsome sight
and when their fiery breath they breathed
others quickly took to flight.
One little whelp from this Thunder,
thinking his flying he'd practice
stepped off the mountain, spread his wings
but landed in an terrible mess
His dear mama came to his rescue
you're not quite ready said she
and she gathered him in her wings
And took him home for his tea.
Oh well, that was that then. A bit out of my comfort zone with that one. But I gave it a try.
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