So the clocks have gone back and I lay in bed awake for a bit and now am up and it's only just gone six. How lovely to see the day break through the black that was night. I do love to get an early start.
We are coming to the last few days of the octpowrimo challenge and although I didn't manage to write everyday I have produced the right number of poems, at least till now.
I have enjoyed reading some of the other participants work too . All so varied .
If you want to have a look go to:
Day 28
The theme for today is belonging:
A Haiku:
Rub between fingers
Rub between fingers
stems of lavender flowers
breathe in lost loved ones

Day 29
On the ground now leaves -russet and golden
Crispy, crunchy underfoot
The last few to surrender remain
On the tree, mottled green,
Bravely hanging onto the bare skeleton
Even they will fall before long
Remember no more the fruitful warmth of youth
how scents make beelines to memories is a beautiful mystery. I very much like your acrostic and the image of a leaf clinging to the skeleton of a tree