Thursday, April 22, 2021

Coffee with Friend

 22nd April 2021

NaPoWriMo day 22.

Now that we can meet and get a take away coffee, I've been catching up with friends.

I find that we're so eager to tell each other what's been happening, I mean, even with the Lockdown we seem to have an abundance of stories and news, that we end up interrupting and rushing our words.

I think it's something we have to ease back into. It might take a while. 

Coffee Outside 

with Friend

"Why was I telling you that?"

"Sorry, I interrupted you, again. But..."

"So, go back to your story,

where were you?"

"That reminds me..."

"No, go on... I'm listening..."

"So, you were saying..."

"What were you saying?"

"Why was I telling you that?"

"Oh, would you look at the sparrows,

they're coming so close..."

"Sorry, I interrupted again...

this cake is good...

are you cold, you're shivering..."

"It was so good to see you...

Shall we go?"


  1. Grams, good to see you around. Thank you for visiting my blog. You poem is thought provoking as it takes the shape of an interesting dialogue.

    1. Thank you Sunita
      I'm trying to read as many poets as possible during this napowrimo, but it's very time consuming

  2. Hey Grams. I like this dialogue poem here and I look forward to the day I can have coffee with friends again. In India, it feels like things are spiralling out of control as we are in the middle of another wave. Hope we see sunny days soon.

    1. Thanks, Namratha, you poor things in India having another wave.
      Let's hope , like you say, we see sunny days soon.

  3. If you want to get all of the news out, both of you keep talking!


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