Wednesday, March 15, 2023

No Bucket

 15th March 2023

"You have no bucket, sir, and the well is deep: how could you get this living water?"

Today, in the liturgy, there is the choice to have again the beautiful, gloriously rich story of the Samaritan Woman.

I was struck for the first time - and I've listened to and read the story many , many times over my nearly 70 years -  by the simple,  everyday way in which the woman talks to Jesus - "You have no bucket..."

It made me think how easy it is not to trust that God is God and that he needs no bucket. 
How often do we think, that's impossibly ?

How often do we lack  Faith in Jesus to give us what we need.

How often does our action say,
 "You have no bucket..." 
 "How are you going to do that?" 


  1. Too often, at least for me. Right now, i'm praying His bucket is pretty big!


Please feel free to comment with advice and critique.