Monday, March 4, 2019

Three Years Ago

4th Mar 2019

Three Years Ago

This time three year's ago ( wow! is it really that long)  my Mother had been gone for just four weeks and I was trying to get life back on some sort of even keel. I'd decided to see dad as regularly as I could which, for me, meant more than before. And, although Dad was struggling without mum, he'd got plans to see people and had contacted some of the grandchildren to that end.
I could see a future where we could have precious times together .
These were very hopeful weeks which were to be cut short by his sudden death, just seven weeks after Mum's.
I am sorry we didn't get time .
I am sorry I didn't get all the stories.
I am sorry I didn't know him as well as I might have done.
I am sorry I didn't realise what a good man he was until he was no longer here. And the older I get the more admiration I have for him.
Miss you always Dad .
I have a lot to thank you for.
The best thing of all being my faith, which you passed on to me , probably without even knowing.
I remember being quite small, you banging the table and saying, that what moved you to the Catholic Faith were those words in the Gospel when Jesus says to Peter:
 "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church". That was enough for you for many years. And I always think of it .
It's helped my own prayer many times over the years.
I pray that you and I will get to talk about this again when time, for me, is no more.


  1. I am sorry you had such a short time with your dad after your mother’s passing. Their spirits must have longer for each other, but what a shock for you. I often think now about all the things I wish I could ask my parents about and say to them that I failed to do when they were here. Life is short though, and we know that we will see them again. ♥️

    1. Thank you Josie. It was a shame, yes. And it was a really hard time, but I'm ok now and live in the hope that I'll see them both again, please God. xxx

  2. Our first home is in the hearts of our parents, and when they are no longer here, it's so very, very hard.

    My heart goes out to you.

    1. Ahh thank you... We all have grief in one form or another, don't we?


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