Friday, September 23, 2016


23rd September

My writing hands are itching to get words down, but the inspiration is a bit weak. Will keep trying. Going to try the poem a day through October though and just flexing my muscles a little to prepare.


Three more sleeps, I will survive,
Come on baby sleep now.
Yet no matter how hard I strive,
There's always all to do.

It's not that I've forgotten the way,
To care for  children, no,
But  my old bones are weary today
Out of the habit and slow.

Cooking every day for seven not two,
And one that can't eat dairy
It takes all my time to organise it's true,
But clean plates remain.

Up at six to get them all ready,
One for big school, leaving at seven.
Oh, and is it the day to take  teddy?
Yes, it's here, found, thank heaven.

Back to the house baby and toddler,
what shall we do all day,
Let's clean out a cupboard or two
Let's put some clothes away.

And let's play dressing up, you be queen,
let's tell a story that's ours,
The best adventure there's ever been
It could take for hours.

And in the evening when all are ready for bed,
Let's read a story before you go,
Quiet going up be careful where you tread,
The baby is asleep, so be slow.

And when the week comes to and end,
And mum and dad come back,
Grandma and grandad retreat to their home
And immediately hit the sack...

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