Monday, November 26, 2018


26th Nov 2018

I'm Really Busy

Today I've been keeping myself busy :
Church this morning
Weekly shop, stopping to chat with a friend we meet.
Help husband with the santa sleigh he's making
Discuss the art work needed with one of his clients
Cook three large chicken casseroles, one for today and two for the freezer - the preparing of the vegetables took such a long time.
Write birthday and anniversary cards and go post them 
And rice, yes rice pudding would be nice - especially as we've been given a 20 kilo bag.


It's surprising how many things you can find to do when you should be working.
So, I'll just stop there because I promised myself I'd give a few hours to my writing today and time is running out with the deadline the day after tomorrow and no spare time tomorrow to get to it.
So, buy for now.
If I finish, I'll be back
And what are the rest of you lovely people doing.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Nothing Much Changes

25th Nov 2018

Just thinking of coming to the end of November. Where has that time gone.
Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent , the start of a new year in the Church .
Some words :

Nothing much changes
She puts her bins out with rhythmic regularity every Tuesday evening at five.
Her little grey audi drives off next morning at eleven and returns an hour later,
I swear to the minute, with her weekly shop.
The same afternoon it goes out again, always at three - back she comes at five,
walking that bit taller - hair cut,  washed and curled, by Miriam
Nothing much changes
On Thursday’s at twelve a taxi stops and out gets Olive, her friend come to lunch. She wears a purple hat and often brings flowers
On Thursdays too, the gardener turns up, in his red van, between one and half past- she’d quite like Derek to be more precise.  
Monday’s if it’s fine her washing’s  on the line by nine o’ clock and her windows are cleaned on the first Monday of every  month
Nothing much changes
On her birthday, in the afternoon, her brother comes, her son and daughter too, all dressed up and bearing gifts and not just one or two.
They stay till late and through the wall echoes the sound of memories and happy times shared.
No, nothing much changes.
Except today, early in the morning, in the dark, thirteen minutes past six it was , she was taken off in an ambulance.
A little while later I phoned her brother.
She’d died, he said, she didn’t suffer.
A brief moment - a light extinguished - an empty house.
Everything  has changed

Monday, November 12, 2018


12th Nov 2018

I can't believe it's been four months since I wrote anything on my blog.
Life has been busy since the summer.
Also, I was unwell for months with a viral infection that laid me low.
I am, however seeing the wood for the trees now and am champing at the bit, with a
lot of willingness but few ideas.
I have decided to return to my Writing Group where I hope to get some inspiration.
The colours today as I walked along were such a wonderful sight. I love the yellows, the reds, the oranges as well as the browns and greens. in fact if you look closely you see all the colours there is, because that what the natural world is like and this time of year emphasises all of that.Image result for autumn scenes


I thought of you this morning as I often do
The situation made me laugh and weep, it's true

I tried the door of another car, it was red, after all
Then I noticed I was wrong and heard  my husband call

It's not even the same make as ours, he says,  as if that makes a difference to me,
just like dad he raised his eyes, and waived in his hand, the key

And then it was that I remembered a particular time
when in you got beside a stranger - he was in his prime

You were both surprised at first and lost for words
dad knocking on the window just made it more absurd

You explained yourself as best you could, leaving nothing out
"his fault for parking  in front of the butcher's," without a doubt

It still makes me chuckle a bit you see
It makes me think that's so like me