We celebrate the Feast of John Bosco today. I've always had a great love for this Saint.
With a particular concern and care for the young, first with evening classes where hundreds came to listen to his teachings about God and Heaven.
he eventually set up a boarding house for apprentices and workshops for education and training, which is wonderful , thinking about them working and doing well and not just thinking about their spiritual lives. After all it's all one , our struggle with sanctity and our whole life is part of that.
Some of his sayings:
"My children, jump, run, and play and make all the noise you want but avoid sin like the plague and you will surely gain Heaven"
"learn to flee from bad companions and bad books"
"Without confidence and love , there can be no true education. If you want to be loved ... you must love yourselves, and make your children feel that you love them."
"Act today in such a way that you need not blush tomorrow"
"Servite Domino in laetitia!" (serve the Lord joyfully)